24.07.2014 г.

Кампания в INDIEGOGO

Скъпи приятели!

През последните 2 години нашата работа във „Фейландия“, по популяризиране на валдорфската педагогика и възможността да се прилага в домашни условия тя, прерасна в желание за създаване на валдорфска детска градина и училище в Стара Загора. Заедно с група родители и учители започнахме да се събираме и да провеждаме занимания на открито, празнуваме заедно сезонните празници, имаме „Група за игра“, която се провежда в нашия дом.
Създаването на детска градина и училище обаче, е проект, който изисква една по-широка подкрепа, както с идеи и опит, така и финансово. За това като първа стъпка за популяризиране на нашата дейност стартирахме кампания в INDIEGOGO.
Радваме се на всяко писмо, което получаваме, и ще сме благодарни на всеки, който ни подкрепи, по какъвто и де е начин.
Наталия Дончева – валдорф мама от „Фейландия“ и Председател на „Сдружение за валдорфска детска градина и училище – Стара Загора



We are Waldorf initiative to create a school and kindergarten in our city of Stara Zagora, which is located in the central part of Bulgaria. Stara Zagora is sitiated in proximity to the Valley of the Tracian Kings and the majestic Stara Planina mountain. The nearest Waldorf kindergarten and the only Waldorf school in Bulgaria is 250 km of our city.

In 2012 a group of parents, along with a teacher are united in Waldorf initiative in 2013 was registered as a "Society for Waldorf kindergarten and school - Stara Zagora" registered at the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Bulgaria to work for public benefit, establishing a Waldorf school and Waldorf kindergarten, and promotion of Waldorf pedagogy.
One year of existence of our Association, entirely with private funds of participants and volunteer work to promote Waldorf education and our work:
1 . We created and maintain websites and http://new-waldorf-sz.blogspot.com/ http://feylandia777.blogspot.com/;
2 . We printed and circulated fliers and brochures;
3 . We organized various events for parents and children to work with wax, clay and wool of free hourly space provided for the needs of the Association of Waldorf pedagogy sympathizers in large shopping centers;

4 . We took part in the youth festival "Different look" two consecutive years where we made a house for fairies and arranged "Waldorf kindergarten for 1- day" with personal equipment of one of the families of the Association;

5 . We participated in radio and television programs promoting Waldorf pedagogy;
6 . We organized lectures, celebrate annual festivals;

7 . We have formed a playgroup for children for 3 to 6 years old since the beginning of 2014 It is held at one of the families home.
We have a dream, our children and the children of Stara Zagora, to have the opportunity to attend the Waldorf School and Kindergarten, we need the support of ideas, shared experience and financial assistance. We want our dream come true.
We would like to hire and equip a building: tables, chairs, desks, blackboards, toys, materials and supplies in which to carry out daily activities and take action to legalize and Waldorf school preschool group.
Bulgarian Ministry of Education does not fund alternative forms of education and they are available only for a few. Your support will help to realize our ideas, as well as more parents have access to Waldorf education.
Bank account of the "Association for Waldorf kindergarten and school - Stara Zagora" is:
First Investment Bank - Stara Zagora
IBAN: BG81FINV91501215821015 in lev
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